Sunday 30 June 2013

A couple of Bass

Martin managed a couple of school Bass on lures on Friday night.
Over a weak set of tides he was glad to catch them just the same. He nearly lost the fish below to a seal only realising how close it came to being the seals supper when Jamie sent him the picture.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Gordon's racking up a few more species for his boat tally

A nice Plaice
A lovely Gurnard

Remember if you have a pub  keep GG away from the cash register and check his pockets for contraband before he leaves the bar.....

A few species for the John and Shane

John, Shane and Gordon are pitching in with a few species.
Shane with a Plaice

Here he is again this time with a small Thornie in a sort of crouching Buda type pose, not sure what's going on there chief ;0)

A nice summers evening....

A nice fish to add to the tally from the shore for John here with a Ling

Another tick in the box with a Cluggie

Ducking the weather

We seem to be a bit light on Sharkatag pictures but the guys kept themselves busy waiting for Sunday to arrive.
Big nae chips, AKA Winston, looks like his arse has been handed to him. Never mind Graham at least the beers handy.

Romulus and Remus waiting for a bite, frankly the dugs in with a better shout!

A few Bass and a parrot

Martin fished  Thursday night & Friday night last week and managed five Bass on hard and soft lures, nothing big but at least he was catching. He got some sun on Friday afternoon but  prior to this was attacked by two yorkies before being bitten by a parrot late that night whilst having a pint....happy days !

Sunday 16 June 2013

Martin's Mullet...we all know thats a thing of the past so here he is with a fish

2.9 pounds on a porridge and Gulp cocktail. The fish was returned after Martin roped in some passing civilains for drop net and camera duty, the man has no shame!

Dan the man makes a return, Smoothies and Bass

Nice little report here from Dan fishing in Luce Bay. He's not been out for a couple of years,  not lost his touch ! But Dan, stick to four wheels ,it's usually safer!

Conditions were decent, coloured sea, decent south westerly blow. Setting up at a low tide mark on the west side in the morning. Between showing Louis how to bait, cast and generally fish I managed an early bass and a few doggies, with a couple of doggies going his way.

The tide turned and the bites were a bit slow, so we moved to another area on the East side for the rise and after a slow first hour it turned a bit hectic! 

6-7 smoothhounds (including one common around 5lbs, two starries at 7lbs), around 20 dogs and a coalie and constant bites made things quite busy. The rain was heavy and skipping across the rocks was interesting!
Anyway, a good day's fishing, plans to camp were scrubbed as we were both soaked, but I'm planning to get back soon. It was an eye-opener for Louis to fish into the teeth of the howling wind and rain but he did ok without a complaint despite only having trainers on and being frozen.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Sharkatag Bass

Willie's seen here making the best or worst of it depending on what way you want to look at it.

The lads being blown off on Friday and Saturday are taking a few fish on crab baits. I'm sure Sundays weather will be better!

Some Pike for Stewart

Stewart's been getting his clients some  fish down in Loch Ken. Give him a bell if you fancy a day afloat after some Pike and Perch.

Friday 14 June 2013

Nico, catching the ghost fish

A nice report here from Nico. If you've never tried summer Mullet fishing or not had a go for years this pretty much sums it up and is a good reason to get out there somewhere, with a loaf and a float. It's basic angling and arguably angling at it's best.

I knew the mullet would be in with all the hot weather.  I headed down to my local mark with a bucket of groundbait in one hand and the rod in the other.

It only took me five minutes to spot them, lazing around on the top of the water. Without spooking them I started ground baiting, getting them close in. When the bait hit the water it started off a feeding frenzy, they were darting through the clouds of bait, eating off the top, it was amazing and great to see them again and in good numbers.

I got the rod set up with 7lb line, control float and a 3ft snood with a small carp hook. First cast landed right on top of them and the bread got hit but I wasn’t too eager to strike, just yet. My heart was going waiting for the float to go and then, the float darts across the water, STRIKE, but I missed the fish. For about 30minutes I kept missing fish and I was thinking, I’m not going to get one today. I know a lot about these mullet, so I kept going for it, then, bingo one fish on its own feeding in the ground bait. Here was my chance, without spooking it I slowly cast to the left, letting it go down towards the fish. It spotted the bread and swam up to it, mouthing it and then all hell broke loose and it was off, like a missile across the water. I was thinking don't snap, don't snap with my heart in my mouth.  What felt like 20mins later I landed this nice wee mullet to go with the other five I’ve had over the past couple of days. It was a good days fishing.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Gordon gets his first Tope of the year

Gordon was out of Ardwell on 2nd of June. He also managed a large LSD of  3 pounds 9oz and he's now up to 18 species from the boat this year.

The humble cluggie , probably one of the most photogenic fish in the UK

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Wrasse on Bute

Martin took a trip on the ferry from Wemyss Bay across to Rothesay for third degree burns and some Wrasse on plastics, probably the last day of summer...

Must be fish here somewhere?
Some paddle tail rubbers?

Aye! Rothesay in summer no place for a bald man....

News from the south from Jim Hamilton in exile...

Well the cold start to the year certainly played  havoc with the start of the boat fishing season off the south coast.     The first charter trip was  a bit – well extremely slow a  few doggies each and only one decent fish an undulate ray of about  15lbs.    That was a get back on dry land and into somewhere warm as quickly as possible sort of trip.

First trip on my boat looked promising – absolutely flat calm steaming out of Langstone harbour.  As it was a big tide headed towards one of  the local reefs known to produce bream around  its periphery.  Well it usually does  but not on that day.    After two hours we had a small garfish and a nice thornback taken on an uptider cast to the side of the reef of about 10 lbs.   Decided we would  move to the next mark and there we  were motoring  along at thirty mph when the Teleflex steering cable parted.  I ended up in the lap of my crewman – he is a big bloke so I had plenty  of padding. 

Tried steering back using the cowling of the 60 – no good to much torque at anything other than tickover – time to phone a friend and a tow home.  See attached piccy.     Got back and rustled up a marine mechanic and after a week and some cash  back in business for  the next spell of good weather.
The next trip was on a small tide and great weather so off to one of my favourite marks about 15 miles from  Langstone harbour.  Smooth hound alley so it was with the planned two rods each turning into one at a time due to the speed of the action had about 12 hounds from about 7 to 12 lbs and a  nice ( well for down here ) tope of around 30  which was bizarrely hooked on a smoothie rig of  40lb  snood length with a 4/0  but caught in the tail by  the second hook.   Once the tide stopped so did the fish.    Thought I try and catch some dinner -  so 4 hours produced a pout two small bream and a couple of garfish along with the ever present dogfish in vast numbers.   Dinner came from Tescos that night......