Thursday 13 October 2011

Boat match Loch Etive

The guys participating in the boat match last weekend had to dodge the weather with a switch of venue from Port Logan to Loch Etive. Three boats and nine anglers decided to make the journey and this match was a species based event.

1st - Nameless & Shameless - Steven, Kyle & Scott - 11 species - All 30 points
2nd = Ticketty Boo! II - Sarah & Gordon - 9 species - All 28 points
2nd = Tartan Spartan - Jason, Michael, Les & Darren - 9 species - All 28 points
1st - Sarah - 6 species
2nd - Kyle - 4 species
Total Species caught = 12
Black Goby, Pollack, Pouting, Poor Cod, Coalie, Cod, Whiting, LSD, Thornback, Spurdog, Grey Gurnard, Mackerel
Heaviest fish was a  4 pound 8oz Spurdog for Scott