Saturday 1 October 2011

Heads of Ayr/Dunure

Jamie, Michelle and Martin joined Willie on Reel Deal today to squirrel some Mackerel away for the winter and try their luck on some local spots towards Dunure. After the recent storms the crew wondered if the Mackerel had dispersed but their worries were soon washed away in the rain as there were reasonably plentiful although small...except for Michelle who bagged a  full house of decent ones along with the first Cod and Whiting of the trip which was great as she has never fished before ! As you can see here Jamie is getting close eying up the Cod and out of shot he has his filleting knife at the ready. The fishing was steady with small Codling, Haddock, Cuckoo Wrasse, Whiting, Ballan Wrasse, Dabs and Poor Cod making up the days catch. Jamie took the best Cod, Willie bagged the most Cod and, Michelle took to the fishing like a duck to water and just as well as it tipped it down all day.Martin just looked sinister, cold and wet and seemed to catch every Cuckoo Wrasse in the bay. Willie should expect a phone call  sometime soon from SEPA due to the amount of lead he left around the reefs at Dunure and Reel Deal was seen to enter Troon harbour  floating about 12 inches higher in the water as a result of this.